In this “Insight Series” every day we will be sharing one of these 19 different techniques. If at any time you decide you don’t want to wait and would like to access the entire series all at once you can just click this link

Who better to focus on when trying to sell your product or service than the individual you’re trying to sell it to. This entails content and topics that are about the prospect and their needs and desires. It’s the polar opposite of most abusive sales pitches which focus exclusively on the seller, their products and what others say about their products described using a host of platitudes.
When you approach a new client, it’s a very appealing time to start listing off the many reasons why they should want to work with you. You’ve been in business for years. You’ve helped thousands upon thousands of customers. You’ve changed lives. Ultimately, these platitudes aren’t as effective as one may think. What you’re doing is making yourself and your products and services the focus of the interaction. It’s a tactic of alienation.
Instead of explaining what you’ve done in the past and highlighting your successes, put the customer’s pain points in the spotlight. Identify what their challenges are and provide them with personalized options that work for them. A client doesn’t want to know how you were able to help somebody else...that in no way ties into their resolution.
The content you provide your customer should be about the challenges they face (or may face), not about things you’ve done. You’re in this to provide them with a resolution, and that’s what they want to hear from you.
You are there to provide insight that can help the prospect get closer to their ultimate destination. . . which is making an informed decision.
Client-centric content that delivers "insight" feels different and has more power to influence than content that feels like a commercial or sales pitch which creates natural resistance because it feels like persuasion. The big difference in these two styles are the usage of "we, us and our" verses "you and yours."
"We, us, our" is company centric writing. "You and your" is client centric writing. Client centric is way more powerful and contributes to Internal Decision Triggers that create situations where the prospect actually convinces themselves. Company-centric or selfish content creates distrust because it feels pushy, salesy and like they are being persuaded which naturally causes hesitation and delays in taking action.
It should always be about them and their needs and situation and not about the company. It's about specific problems they have or concerns they have and what insight you can provide them to solve that specific issue. Knowing what keeps them awake at night is part of the discovery process and accurately profiling your target audience and current conditions they are facing.
You should always finish client-centric content with an outro transition into an offer at the end that goes something like this . . . "If you thought this insight was helpful and you would like some additional insight please call Dave at 555-1212.”
The purpose of this content is to provide businesses various tools and resources that can help them address challenges that their company may currently be facing. These tools and resources cover many topics related to driving new growth and getting a company to the next level. So if you thought this insight was helpful and would like to learn more about how it can be incorporated and used as part of an overall Done-For-You marketing system called a
CyberFunnel. . . just click here below.